Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Disclaimer 1: This post isn't totally beer related.
Disclaimer 2: This post contains non-plot information from later in the ASOIF series

Cyvasse, maybe.

In some of the later books of the series, the reader is introduced to a game called Cyvasse. It appears to be a form of Westerosi chess. While the rules are never clearly defined, there is enough information between the books to allow you to come up with a good estimate.

Cruising through r/ASOIAF brought me to this link several weeks ago with a pretty good interpretation of the rules of Cyvasse (including a proposed board type/size). Last night I got a bit bored, so I decided to make a Cyvasse set using an 11x14" sheet of tag board, a ruler, way too much math, two sets of chess pieces, and some plastic tokens.

More after the Jump